Dr. Kiari Liman-Tinguiri (kiari@iedas.ca)
President and Principal Consultant
M. Kiari LIMAN-TINGUIRI, President of IEDAS, has over 20 years’ experience in international development. He has been associated and then leading project design and implementation for 19 years working with the UNITED NATIONS posted in Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean and in New York. Before joining the UNITED NATIONS, he had 10 years of academic career in France and Niger. He has been consulting for international institutions such as UN Agencies, ILO, OECD secretariate, IFAD, the World Bank. He has extensive knowledge of multi-cultural work environments and is familiar with international business relations. His education includes an undergraduate degree from the University de Liege (Belgium), a master degree and a doctoral degree in Economics, followed by a post doctoral research degree in international development from the University of Nancy 2 (France) . His good judgment, dedication, and reputation for high professional integrity are the hallmarks of IEDAS.
Dr. LIMAN-TINGUIRI has worked in various and challenging countries and situations, leading United Nations country teams and managing UNDP & UNICEF country offices. He has extensive experience of dealing with senior government officials and donors, civil society and all stakeholders of development. He has been promoting human rights and social development in sensitive context. His research work in the academia include over 10 articles and book chapters in academic and scientific reviews and journals in various economic and development topics including the econometrics of women 's participation in labor force, the informal economy and informal finance in developing countries, the social cost of structural adjustment programmes and their impact on vulnerables groups in subsahara africa, revenue generation and equity in tax policy reform in subsahara africa and growth without development in the case Equatorial Guinea.
United Nations Career
- 06/2011-12/2011: Senior Adviser, Policy & Practice, UNICEF HQ, New York
- 2009-2011 : United Nations Resident Coordinator & UNDP Resident Representative for Guyana (Georgetown).
- 2006-2009 : United Nations Resident Coordinator & UNDP Resident Representative for Equatorial Guinea (Malabo).
- 2004-2006 : UNICEF Representative for SYRIA (Damascus).
- 2001-2004 : UNICEF Representative for ALGERIA (Algiers).
- 1999-2001 : Senior Project Officer Social Policy & Economic Analysis, UNICEF SOUTH AFRICA (Pretoria).
- 1992-1999: Regional Economic adviser UNICEF Regional Office for West & Central Africa (Abidjan).
Positions and Duties
- 1991-1992: Dean of the Faculty of Economics & law Sciences, University of Niamey, Niger
- 1988-1991: Director of Economics studies Department, University of Niamey, Niger
- 1986-1988: Assistant then Associate Professor of Economics, University of Niamey, Niger
- 1982-1985: Research fellow & Assistant professor, Unicersity of Nancy 2, France
- 1977-1978: Teaching Statistics at National School of Public Administration, Niamey, Niger
Other Activities
- Consultant for UNDP Niamey (1989-1991), World Bank Niamey (1989) FIDA (Rome, 1989), BIT (Niamey, 1989), the Central Bank of West African States, Dakar (1991).
- Research collaboration with “Club du Sahel” OECD/CILSS (1987-1990), Centre Sahel (Université de Laval, Québec, 1989), Overseas Development Institute (London, 1988), La“Caisse française de Développement” , Niamey (1991) ENDA – Tiers Monde (Dakar, 1987), CODESRIA (Dakar, 1988) OECD (Comité d’Aide au Développement, 1990).
- President of the board of directors of the Irpod-Sahel NGO (1989).
- Membre du Comité Spécial chargé de la révision de la Constitution du Niger (1990-1991).
- Vice-President for West Africa of the African Economists Association - Association des Economistes africains - (Addis-Abeba, 1989).
- Vice-President of the International conference of African Economics Research Institutions and Universities - Conférence Internationale des Institutions d’Enseignement et de Recherches Economiques en Afrique de l’Ouest - (Ouagadougou, 1991).
Field Experience

Residency or significant professional experience:
- Niger
- South Africa
- Algeria
- Belgium
- Canada
- Côte d’Ivoire
- France
- Equatorial Guinea
- Guayana
- Syria
- Tunisia
- United States (New York)
Visit or short term assignments:
- Austria
- Barbados
- Benin
- Burkina Faso
- Cameroon
- Cape Verde
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Chile
- China
- Cuba
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Egypt
- Ethiopie
- Gabon
- Germany
- Ghana
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guinea-Conakry
- India
- Iran
- Israel
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Jordan
- Kenya
- Lebanon
- Luxembourg
- Madagascar
- Mali
- Morocco
- Mauritania
- Mozambique
- Mexico
- The Netherlands
- Nigeria
- Panama
- Saint Lucia
- Saudi Arabia
- Senegal
- Spain
- Suriname
- Switzerland
- Togo
- Trinidad and Tobago
- United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu Dhabi)
- United Kingdom
University Degrees- 2002 Research director degree in Economics (International development), University of Nancy 2, France (Supervisor: Prof. EBOUE)
- 1984 Doctorate degree in economics (Economic policy analysis). University of Nancy 2, France.(Supervisor: Prof. Jean-Claude RAY)
- 1982 Master degree in international development. University of Nancy 2, France.
- 1982 Master degree in European studies. University of Nancy 2, France.
- 1981 Bachelor degree in economics (major econometrics). University of Nancy 2. France.
- 1980 Bachelor degree in Economics. University of Nancy 2, France.
- 1974-1975 Degree in Business economics. University of Liege, Belgium.
University Awards
- Best undergraduate student in Economics (Université de Nancy II) June 1981.
- Best Master's student in Economics, with Econometrics specialty (Université de Nancy II) June 1981.
- 2011: Guinée Equatoriale : Une croissance sans développement ? Stat Eco, DELTA-IRD-INSEE : 105. pp 61-72.
- 2006: Préface de « À propos des femmes, des noirs et du Travail, Questions sans Réponses ». Dr Ndolamb NGOKWE, KHARTALA, Paris. 32 pages.
- 1997: Sustainability of primary health care including immunizations in Bamako: An
- Assessment of 5 years of field experience in Benin and Guinea. The International Journal of Health Planning, No 12. (Co-auteur, editor: R.KNIPPENBERG).
- 1996: Economie politique d’une reforme macro-économique: Un essai de Bilan social de la dévaluation du franc CFA. DEMOCRATIES AFRICAINES, Revue de l’Institut Africain pour la Démocratie (IAD), Dakar, 2eme trimestre.
- 1994: Reformes fiscales, génération de ressources et équité en Afrique subsaharienne durant les années 1980 Innocenti occasional papers. Economic Policy Series: No 41, International Child Development Center, UNICEF Florence, Italy.
- 1992: Structural Adjustment and the African farmer: The case of Niger with John de
- Coninck. Edited by Alex Duncan & John Howell. Overseas Development Institute, London.
- 1991: Structural Adjustment, growth and human welfare: The case of Niger 1982-
- 1989. Innocenti occasional paper, International Child Development Center UNICEF, Florence Italy. No 14 mars 1991.
- 1990: Crise et Ajustement Structurel au Niger (1982-1988). Politique africaine KARTHALA juin 1990 (sous la direction de CL. RAINAUT).
- 1990: Economie du Niger et Contraintes à l'intégration in Intégration et Développement. ECONOMICA. Paris, 1990 (Sous la direction de K.S.OUALI).
- 1990: Epargne et crédits informels en milieu rural au Niger : l'activité des tontines et des garde-monnaies villageois. In LA TONTINE, pratique informelle d’épargne et de crédits dans les pays en développement. John LIBBEY, Eurtext et Aupelf (sous la direction de M.LELART).
- 1989 : Intégration monétaire et intégration économique : un examen du cas de l'UMOA dans le cadre de la CEAO. Article Cahiers Economiques de Nancy .1er semestre 1990 en collaboration avec J. LAMA.
- 1988 : l'Economie informelle dans les pays en développement : le cas du Niger. Article in CEDRES - ETUDES Revue Economique et Sociale BURKINABE N0XXV Université de Ouagadougou Décembre.
- 1985 : l'offre de travail des femmes : essai de présentation synthétique des techniques économétriques. Cahiers économiques de Nancy. Deuxième Semestre 1985.